Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Stores

21,486 companies in Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Stores, showing results for Washington


Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Stores

Bridal Fabrics

   Grannie B's

   Marcella's Bridal Inc

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Costume Fabrics Trimmings and Accessories

   Velvet Dragon CO

   Diamond Dripp

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Embroidery Supplies

   Madeira USA Ltd

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Fabric Shops

   Corporate Resources


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Fabric, Remnants

   Quilted Strait

   Heirloom Quilts & Fabric

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Knitting Supplies

   Grove Cottage Yarns

   Glant Pacific Inc

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Needlework Stores

   Stitches N Straw

   Haberdashery Needlework

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Notions Stores

   Pin Pushion

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Patterns: Sewing, Knitting and Needlework

   Atiras Fashions

   Free Wheeling Designs

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Quilting Materials and Supplies


   Quilter's Cove Inc

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Sewing Supplies

   I B Stitchin

   Sew In Love

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Sewing and Needlework

   B Ford Jacuelyn

   Dixon, Mi Son

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Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods

   Colonial Knit Shoppe

   T & L Sewing

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Weaving and Mending Equipment and Supplies


   Humble Earth

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Yarn Stores


   Bad Woman Yarn

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